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General Selection Rules for GR8 Tech Academy

By participating in the GR8 Tech Academy selection process, the candidate agrees to meet the following rules:

- to have a computer, a video camera and high-quality Internet during the selection period;

- to pass all stages of testing only on the specified dates and time (each participant will be individually informed by e-mail);

- to understand that all stages of selection are carried out individually. During the test it is NOT allowed to copy off, to google answers and to organize teams in order to help each other;

- to take into  consideration your time resources and involvement for the course duration if you agree to study at GR8 Tech Academy;

- to be aware that communication with the candidates during the selection period is exclusively carried out by e-mail. Therefore, upon completion of the registration, be sure to check the SPAM folder.


In case these rules are violated, the GR8 Tech Academy team has the right, at its own discretion, not to allow the candidate to pass the respective test or deny the candidate further selection at GR8 Tech Academy.


General Rules of Training at GR8 Tech Academy


By joining GR8 Tech Academy, the student agrees to meet the following rules:

- to have a computer, a video camera and required training programs installed on the computer during the training period (the programs will be individually announced);

- self-study of 100% of materials and attendance at 90% of lectures;

- to inform a supervisor in case of missing the lecture due to valid reasons and to work through the material by sending notes on the topic of the lecture;

- to have a Zoom camera on during the lectures;

- to provide homework, intermediate and final projects in time;

- to perform homework individually, if the group work is not envisaged;

- to follow all the news and communicate with the GR8 Tech Academy team in the internal channel of the Company;

- to specify your real name and to add a photo without using filters in the internal communication channel (ZOOM, etc.);

- to familiarize yourself with the values of the GR8 Tech Company and to follow them during the training.


Training Structure:

  1. Independent processing of online material on Hard Skills according to the course units on LMS - (theory + practice). Attendance of Q&A sessions and practice meetings under the schedule.
  2. Lectures on Soft Skills - 3 hours a day, once every 2 weeks (theory + practice)
  3. Doing homework - 1-2 times a week (taking into account that it takes 5-6 hours to do one task).
  4. Implementation of individual, group (2-3 persons in a team) and graduation projects.
  5. Networking.

In case these rules are violated, the GR8 Tech Academy team has the right, at its own discretion, not to allow the student to attend a respective class (it is also taken into account in final evaluation of completion of the training program by such a student), or to refuse the student further training at GR8 Tech Academy.
